On Friday, April 13th, 2018, a fire sprinkler system that protects a 3-story multi-family dwelling in the Round Lake Fire Protection District (Round Lake, IL) activated due to a fire on the stove. At the time of the fire no occupants were present. The fire activated just one of the fire sprinkler heads and was able to suppress the fire. The activation of the fire sprinkler system caused the fire alarm to activate, which alerted the occupants and notified the Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District of the alarm. The fire sprinkler system that is maintained by Advanced Fire Protection & Safety, Inc. saved a great deal of property and possibly lives. The Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District should be commended for their actions the day of the incident and for their adoption of fire protection codes and standards that required the installation of fire sprinklers in occupancy.
If you have a fire sprinkler system, make sure that at a minimum it is inspected annually in accordance with NFPA 25. Let us know if you we can help with any of your fire sprinkler or fire protection needs. Call us at 815-344-4600.

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